. hospitality course - day 3

    wat was to be theory work today became a little practical. thank god. so today was the serving and preparing of food service, we learned to put the table clothes on properly, folding napkins, which some people had the creativity of folding a origami-like crane, and also holding more than one dish in one hand. there were some disasters as seen from the broken dishes on the floor. we also learned to take orders ..etc. today the course finnished early again. so (john), (scott) and i sat outside waiting. and i was bored so knowing me.. i took photos. a few. and i thought id post up all of them .haha.

    tomorrow is me actaully physically being a waiter. omg . hope i dont stuff up. then on friday i will in the kitchen.

    for clarifying whose in the photo: (john) is always in the middle and (scott) is on the far right.

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