Provocator is a label that is not for the norm. It's for the people who dare to be different and unique and not shy to express themselves. They make a range of jeans and apparel both for men and women.Arthur Georgopoulos designer has many years of experience and in addition, all garments are made locally in Sydney. I think their stuff is not usually seen in stores. Read up all about it in the dense, insightful interview here.

    Ps: been so sick and busy and very behind in all my updates. forgive me.


    Designer name


    Name of labels

    Provocator and Usual Suspects



    Where are you based


    When and how did you decide fashion design as your career (did you have a previous job)?

    Arthur has been apart of the fashion industry all his life. From a young age watching his mother, also a designer, fit and style her customers, the seeds of fashion were being sewn. Little did he know at that time these seeds would florish and take over.

    Growing older Arthur began to explore and build on his mothers inspiration while also developing a keen interest in politics, theoritical systems and philosophy.

    At the age of 15 or 16 the virus of fashion had well and truly begun to forge through his blood and mind. In the late 70's early 80's he started to customize his own jeans, printing and writing on his jackets and pants. At high school in Europe his appearance was very provocative for the time. The love for denim had began, he was now searching for the best fabrics, imported Levis and the best ever Lee's from Belgium, all unwashed at the time. In Italy the denim invasion was total. Different washes and styles were flooding the market and Arthur could not get enough of them. He admits he was a fashion victim for a period.

    With the these hip new styles Arthur's confidence and desire ( vivere pericolosamente ) for living dangerously was also taking flight. He began walking on the wild side. Rock bands, riots, drugs, motor bikes, everything that would please him but also hurt him. He cared for only 2 things his appearance and his ideas.

    Were you always a fashionable person?


    What was the process/ how did you start beginning your label?

    In 1990 Arthur returned to Sydney. He became seriously involved with denim, working full time to build other labels for the next 11 years. This time although difficult armed him with experience and the knowledge required to produce garments of the highest quality.

    In 2000 had a big accident with 2 broken legs and nearly died falling two floors down on a goods lift.

    That was it, his life attitude changed he stopped working for other people.

    In 2001 soon as he felt better still with the crutches Arthur launched his first denim label 'Usual Suspects'. It began with hard work and absolutely no money. He borrowed one roll of denim, used other peoples cutting equipment and 3 years of time to create a successful label challenging the biggest labels in Australia.

    The success of Usual Suspects rebirthed Arthur’s desire for more, he felt the urge to create a new label that not only reflected his design flare but represented his knowledge, his way of thinking and his philosophies. Thus, the new rebellious label 'Provocator' was born. Provocator is backed by Arthurs desire to expand his denim product to a higher market leaving the big brands of Australia and the international market quaking in his converse.

    Tips for aspiring designers, like me?

    You need dedication and hard work. It doesn’t always pay but if you’re persistent one day you’ll make it, of course you also need talent.

    Nobody will hand it to you on a plate, if you can’t do it your self nobody else can do it for you. You have to learn to work with your hands and your mind at the same time. It’s cut throat industry, even money can’t buy quality and the results of your designs and the product will be poor.

    I personally don’t need sketches, I do it straight on the pattern paper and from there to the fabric stitching and wash.

    Don’t need anybody, just orders.

    Did you have any education in fashion? if so, where? if not, how did you learn the technical aspects?

    Always been a part of the industry, so knowledge came with work time and experience.

    How did your friends/family react to you turning to fashion design?

    They didn’t react at all was a slow process when I started my own label.

    They were actually proud of me knowing my talent from a little kid

    My mother use to make my designs and it’ wasn’t a surprise later on when I choose

    as a living what I do now.

    How do you approach your designs and what inspires you?

    I create for pleasure and I design because of the need of expression.

    I am always trying to be ahead, experimenting and predicting the recycling of the fashion. I avoid being commercial, when a style hits the mass market I’ve already made my money.

    My inspiration comes from Politics, history I always believed in social justice and study the changes of the world including fashion, music, cinema and lifestyle. from societies they had their revolution first and inspired the rest of the world……….I was there first to justify and absorb the changes as I was growing.

    Back then it was harder to express yourself, because there were so many new changes happening that the public were confused. You had to chose your expression and be judged.

    At that time society use to over react, which doesn’t happen now, considering that technology and media are so heavily involved in our lives.

    What are your aesthetics?

    To design for the perfect body, the beauty of creating for a perfect idealistic image combining unique techniques. Most of times when the design is not a fitted garment, I try to outline the style, fit and look. As well as exaggerating the direction and innovation.

    The fashion industry is so competitive, how do you keep you label sustainable?

    I just try to be innovative. I transform my personality first and then express and take the risk at the same time.

    It’s a knowledge that comes with the years depending on how adventurous you are.

    How is your label unique from others in Australia and abroad ?

    The brainchild of one of Australia's foremost denim fashion designers, Provocator is a line of Australian made jeans that are quickly making their mark on the fashion scene.

    The perfect embodiment of individuality, self-expression and increasingly eco-friendly manufacturing techniques, Provocator jeans are for those who dare to be different.

    One hundred percent Australian made jeans, Provocator jeans are manufactured in Sydney and sold throughout Australia and the rest of the world.

    Do you follow trends and work them into the label?

    Never follow trends. I created trends as I’ve proven in the past with trademark designs.

    Who ever has a doubt I can cure his curiosity any time.

    How long have you been working internationally and which place is most successful?

    I have supplied on and off USA never followed up seriously as I was testing the market.

    Lately I have been in contact with two colossal retail chains.

    Who is your target market? what/why do you think your clothes appeals to them?

    That’s the most difficult question to answer……………My urge to create, express and produce clothing all the time keep me in a loop that I have always kept changing and innovating so that I can deal across all scales of fashion from street to high end. This actually has worked in advantage for me, as I blend my creations finding quality customer clientele that are always searching for something new and always pay the right price. So I guess my clientele is from 20 to 45, fashionable and rich.

    Favourite designer/s and why?

    Renzo Rosso. I wouldn’t say that I favour him as a designer as he sometimes claims, but more so as a personality. I admire his career, since he started back in the 80’s creating one of the biggest companies in the world (Diesel). That would probably be the person that I admire most from the denim market. The rest of them aren’t innovative enough, they move on similar lines, each one of them has an expiry date, some of them even act as costume designers to reach the edge. I see the word design/er related more with a company, not with a person in the long run. This is the reason why companies expand, and never end. This is where Provocator want to be one day.

    I believe good models help a lot in selling the clothes. what kind of models' outlook do you choose for your label?

    Never paid great attention to models it’s always the concept, styling and my line direction that tie up the campaign and collection.

    For people who don't know your label, how would you describe it in a sentence?

    Provocator represents a mix of intellectual abandons, deconstructed denim designs and a political reform based on a world brimming with individuals, with people whose resolute self-direction makes simplistic and culturally imposed definitions entirely obsolete.

    One hundred percent Australian made jeans, Created in Sydney by self proclaimed rebel, Arthur Georgopoulos, Provocator offers exclusive all Australian hand made jeans, variety denim products and fashion items. Challenging the norm, Provocator likes to push fashion boundaries. Provocator jeans are manufactured in our factory and sold throughout Australia and the rest of the world.

    With their flagship store located at 60 Oxford Street in Darlinghurst, Provocator Australian made jeans is going from strength to strength.

    Serving both wholesale and retail customers, Provocator Australian made jeans are a must-have in the wardrobes of fashion conscious shoppers everywhere. Visit their website for more information, or contact their retail outlets .

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